BETHLE (BETHLE ASTER GLOBAL INC) acquires the world's leading cryptocurrency trading platform from the US MSB
AIX - The World’s First Decentralized Private Equity Financing Platform, Redefining the Future of Investment!
ABOUT announced that it has become a well-known virtual asset exchange authorized by the US MSB (Money Services Business)
The 33rd China International Bicycle Fair 2025 Set to Grandly Open
New Explorations of TIENS Group to Adapt to the Trend of Globalization
On August 3, 2021 (China Standard Time), in order to celebrate the 26th anniversary of its establishment, TIENS Group organized “One Belt One Road Health Industry Development Forum in Post COVID-19 Era” and took the opportunity to discuss the current situation and development trend of the international health industry. It’s reported that TIENS Group, established in 1995, which has begun to expand
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A Tiens Csoport nemzetközi egészségügyi ágazati fórumot tartott
Kína egyik legbefolyásosabb multinacionális vállalataként a Tiens Csoport 1995 óta a mai napig ragaszkodik ahhoz a fejlesztési célhoz, hogy hozzásegítse az embereket egy jobb élethez. Kezdetben a Tiens Csoport fő termékei között olyan egészséges termékek szerepeltek, mint a kalcium termékek. Mára azonban számos területet érintő, diverzifikált ágazatokat fejlesztett ki, mint például a határokon átn
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CNBM Maintains No.1 Ranking among World Building Material Companies: Fortune Global 500 2021
China National Building Material Group Co., Ltd. (CNBM) ranked the 177th on the latest Fortune Global 500 list released on August 2, up 10 places from the previous year, continuously outperforming other building material companies in the ranking.
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TIENS Group will Become a Global Participant in the Future Massive Health Industry
As announced proudly by TIENS Group’s Chairman Li Jinyuan in the Health Industry Development Forum of the Belt and Road in the Post-pandemic Era held in Tianjin, China, TIENS Group is poised to become one of main global participants in the future massive health industry.
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Waki Relic Museum mourning the passing of Founder of Myanmar Relic Museum cum Thein Taung Teik Thit Temple Abbot, Venerable Aggamahasaddhammajotikadhaja Baddanta Kittivara (Sayadaw U Kittivara)
(WAki International Group Media Center 5th of August) Venerable Aggamahasaddhammajotikadhaja Baddanta Kittivara (Sayadaw U Kittivara), the King of Relic and the Chief Abbott of Thein Taung Teik Thit Temple the founder of Relic Musuem, has passed away at 11.45pm on Wednesday, July 28, 2021. He was 74.
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The passing of Founder of Myanmar Relic Museum cum Thein Taung Teik Thit Temple Abbot, Venerable Aggamahasaddhammajotikadhaja Baddanta Kittivara (Sayadaw U Kittivara)
(WAki International Group Media Center 5th of August) Venerable Aggamahasaddhammajotikadhaja Baddanta Kittivara (Sayadaw U Kittivara), the King of Relic and the Chief Abbott of Thein Taung Teik Thit Temple the founder of Relic Musuem, has passed away at 11.45pm on Wednesday, July 28, 2021. He was 74.
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What are the advantages of CYCJET Colorful Mask UV Inkjet Printer
CYCJET colorful mask UV inkjet printing, you can print in a variety of colors, even green, black, red, blue, and color can be realized for you to meet the needs of various entrepreneurs for mask logos.
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Identification Application of Copper Tube Inkjet Printer Large Character Handheld Inkjet Printer
What kind of inkjet printer is better for the identification of copper tube inkjet printer? If it is inkjet printing on the pipeline, you can select a fixed full-automatic large character inkjet printer or online small character inkjet printer according to the size of pipe diameter.
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TIENS Group стане глобальним постачальником послуг для світової галузі охорони здоров'я майбутнього
Під час Форуму з розвитку галузі охорони здоров'я в епоху після пандемії, що проходив у рамках ініціативи «Один пояс і один шлях» у Тяньцзіні, Китай, голова TIENS Group Лі Цзіньюань із гордістю оголосив, що компанія готова стати одним з основних міжнародних постачальників послуг для світової галузі охорони здоров'я майбутнього.
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UNISOC announces world's first 5G NR Rel-16 Ready
UNISOC together with China Unicom, successfully completed end-to-end service validation of the world's first eMBB+uRLLC+IIoT (enhanced mobile broadband + ultra-reliable and low latency communications + industrial Internet of things) based on the 3GPP R16 standard, laying a foundation for the commercial use of 5G R16.